Here it is! The 33 day challenge!

Victor or victim?  Conquerer or conquered?

I throw down the gauntlet.  The choice is yours.

The 33 Day Challenge is an invitation to generate more abundance in your life – abundance of love, of happiness, harmony and peace, and yes, material comfort.  It starts with a willingness to take command of your thoughts, words and actions; all of them.  Where goes your mind, so goes your energy.  What we are, what we do, has a boomerang affect.

         Galatians 6:7-9 King James Version (KJV   Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

This teaching is not unique to Christianity, it is present in every spiritual walk, also known as the Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

You must be in total control of every bit of what you generate through your own being.  You must also exercise complete control over how you respond to that which comes to you.  It CAN be done and it IS worth the effort.  Taking command of your own behavior is the most powerful spiritual tool you have to create the world you wish to live in.  And, it has a ripple effect.  As an individual becomes more joyful,  more peaceful, rejects anger, fear or worry, that behavior resonates throughout the world generating a wave of Light rather than a pool of density.  Think about it, this is already going on in your life.  Upbeat people make you feel happy while the pessimists bring you down.  See?  This is the law of cause and effect!  The action/reaction is clearly explained in the book The Magic Presence (Saint Germain Press Schaumburg, IL; 5th Edition):

P. 239 “When Life is lived as it was intended, all is Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Opulence and Happiness.  To conquer the desire to feel or express inharmony shuts the door to inharmony…..”

P. 227 “If thoughts and feeling of anger, hate, selfishness, criticism, condemnation and doubt of the ‘I AM Presence* are permitted to remain in the consciousness of any human being, the Door to Perfection closes…..”

Ok, you say.  Great, and just how do I make this happen?  It has taken a while for us to create the weights that hold us back so naturally, it will take some time for us to cut ourselves free.  Working at it in earnest will expedite the process, this is why I place before you the ’33 Day Challenge’.  I will give you a simple tool to begin this alchemical shift.  I would ask that you mark the start and end date, journal if you are inclined to do so.  At the end, reflect on what changes you see in your world, no matter how small – any change to even an erg of energy is progress!

Why 33 days?  The number 33 is a cosmic number whose energy is directed toward spiritual uplift.  It seeks Divine Wisdom and Understanding.  When we do something 33 times, or over a 33 day period, we charge our efforts with the positive spiritual attributes associated with this Master Number. I am offering a way to kick start the process.   To be in command of oneself, is a life-long activity.

Now, knowing that we must control what we put out and how we react to what we receive, it is helpful to also understand the influence of astrology.  Having our own personal chart interpretation is amazingly helpful in understanding our personal challenges and opportunities, yet, with that we must acknowledge there are configurations on the macro level that also affect us.  One that is coming up soon is a Mercury retrograde.  In fact, I personally find the energy is already being felt and am working to stay ahead of it.  For more on this transit please read this article by Astrologer Christine Barrere:   Knowledge is power.  Knowing what we are dealing with gives us more power to either address negative energy or to harness positive energy for projects.

Now, to cut to the chase, just how do you accept this challenge and begin the process of changing your world?  You don’t need hours every day, BUT, you do need FOCUS!

START YOUR DAY by taking a few minutes to establish and strengthen your attunement with the Divine, the Creator, God, the Supreme Being.  This can be done anywhere.  Use a favorite chair or favorite place.  If you are one of those persons who lacks a real ‘quiet’ place then improvise.  Use the shower, the car; location does not matter, it is the ACT of what you do that is the key to success.

When you have gotten to that quiet spot, take a few deep breaths and still yourself, relax.

Next, place your attention on your heart.  The heart is the dwelling place of the Divine Spark within you. You cannot see it with the human eye, but it is there.  Now visualize a silver, crystalline cord rising out of your heart, moving upward through the atmosphere, through time and space.  The Divine is connected to you at the other end of the cord, follow it.  Feel that connection, it is real, tangible.  Feel the love that flows back to you from the Divine and say

I am everywhere in the consciousness of God**  (repeat this until you feel this Presence surrounding you)

What you have done, is anchored that connection in your physical world.  This is something you will want to make part of your daily practice.  It will raise your vibration (spiritual energy) to be more Light.  As this attunement intensifies, you will come to find you feel a tingling in your crown chakra.  Ideally, this is something that we should feel all the time, it demonstrates we’ve not weakened the connection through inharmony.  Invoke the power of the Divine through your own personal prayer for guidance and protection.  It might go like this:

Mighty, Beloved God Presence.  Thou all powerful, ever loving Father.  Take command of my day.  Place me in an impenetrable forcefield of Light from your perfect, loving heart.  Shield me against all negativity that would be arrayed against me.  Send your Mighty Angels, Archangels and Seraphim to stand guard around me.  Let their Swords of Light join me in the fight to slay the beast of mortal consciousness and error, that I might climb higher each day until I reach the inner sanctum of your Diamond Heart.

AS YOU MOVE ABOUT YOUR DAY be on your toes, be nimble, ready to reject anything less than the Purity of the Cosmos.  You can do this!!!!  Whenever something is hurled into your world, or tries to creep in quietly (the opposition is crafty) recognize it and reject it.  Call in cosmic reinforcement when you need it Mighty God Presence I AM within me, take command of this situation and infuse it with your perfect Light that all darkness is instantaneously consumed!’  You can also repeat the attunement exercise as often as you like or are able to help you remain anchored.

What you are doing here is making a conscious choice to be neutral, in a vibration of Light, rather than be roped into an argument, an angry reaction, sense of burden or injustice.  None of this is meant to turn you into a doormat.  It is quite alright to seek justice, to right a wrong, to discipline your children or iron out problems in your personal relationships.  An enhanced spiritual vibration empowers you to do this with Divine energy that always provides the right answer and outcome for us individually.


     Matthew 11:28-30 King James Version (KJV)

     28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

     30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is Light.

And the Light of God, never fails; the Light of God always prevails!

At the end of your own 33 Day cycle I would love to hear about your personal Triumph.  Post a comment here or email me at

Always Victory!


*Also known as the God Presence, or Divinity within;

**you may substitute the name you use to call on God


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